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The company passed the Beijing Tianyizheng Weapon Equipment Quality Management System Certification
Source: Release time: 2023.06.07
The company passed the Beijing Tianyizheng Weapon Equipment Quality Management System Certification (gjb/9001c-2017) audit in May, and the certificate is expected!

Introduction to the Certification of Weapon Equipment Quality Management System:

The National Military Standard Quality Management System Certification (GJB9001C-2017) is a national military standard, also known as the Weapons and Equipment Quality Management System Certification. According to the relevant provisions of the "Weapons and Equipment Quality Management Regulations", weapons and equipment, as well as computer software, specialized components, supporting products, and raw materials used in weapons and equipment, should undergo quality management, including weapon and equipment demonstration, development, production Testing and maintenance units should establish a sound quality management system and implement effective quality management for their weapon equipment demonstration, development, production, testing, and maintenance tasks to ensure that the quality of weapon equipment meets the requirements.

The National Military Standard Quality Management System Certification (GJB9001C-2017) is a key for private enterprises to enter military industry, which means that products can be used for military production, aviation, aerospace, navigation, weapons, etc. Enterprises without the National Military Standard Quality System Certification (GJB9001C-2017) cannot enter the military industry system, but there are also exceptions, which are that military products must be your own and there are no alternative products. For example, there are currently many imported products that do not have national military certification but are of reliable quality and can also be used for military production.

Background of the GJB9001C-2017 certification standard:

The national military series standards for quality management and quality assurance, issued in 1996, were formulated in accordance with the requirements of the "Regulations on Quality Management of Military Products". On the basis of corresponding national standards for quality management and quality assurance, special requirements for military products were added. The release and implementation of military series standards promoted the rapid development of the construction of military product quality management system and the improvement of the quality and reliability level of military products

In 2000, the International Organization for Standardization released the revised 2000 edition of the ISO9000 family of standards, and the national standards were also revised accordingly. In December 2000, new national standards GB/T19000-2000, GB/T19001-2000, and GB/T19004-2000 were issued. The new 2000 edition of the GB/T1900 family of standards has undergone significant changes compared to the 94 edition. The 2000 edition of the GB/T1900 family of standards introduced eight principles of quality management, highlighting the idea of focusing on customers, The role of top management has been strengthened, and continuous improvement is an important means to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the quality management system. The requirements for documentation are more flexible, and a "process method" structure has been adopted to strengthen the coordination and consistency between GB/T19001 and GB/T19004, thus making the GB/T19000 family of standards widely applicable to all product categories, Organizations of different sizes and types have undergone such significant changes as a fundamental part of the 96 edition of the National Military Standards, which poses an urgent need for revision of the National Military Standards

The changing international military strategic landscape and future operational requirements under high-tech conditions have made quality the core of weapons and equipment construction. Currently, the new situation faced by national defense construction urgently requires the development of high-quality weapons and equipment as soon as possible to meet the needs of national defense construction and combat readiness. National key projects, key models, and products, with urgent tasks, new technologies, and high difficulties, have put forward new requirements for military product quality management. Therefore, The 96th edition of the military standard needs to be revised to reflect international standards and meet the current requirements for the quality construction of military weapons and equipment

With the continuous deepening of reform and opening up, the establishment of China's socialist market economy system, and the development and production units of military products are also in the process of deepening reform and adjustment. Asset restructuring, system updates, structural changes, and the alternation of new and old personnel have made the old system and mechanism unable to adapt to the new situation, A new management model urgently needs to be formed. The National Military Standard Quality Management System Certification (GJB9001C-2017) standard is the basis for various equipment management departments to propose quality management system requirements for military product manufacturing units and implement quality management system audits. It is also the basis for military product quality system certification agencies to implement certification audits of military product quality management systems

The above content is for reference only and I hope it can be helpful to you. For an introduction to the quality management system certification of weapons and equipment, as well as a deeper understanding of the background and significance of GJB9001C-2017 certification, if the factory is not very clear about GJB9001C-2017 certification during the SEDEX factory inspection audit, or if you want to learn more about GJB9001C-2017 certification details, you can continue to follow "Chuangsi Weifang Inspection Tutoring".